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The City of Langley receives its water supply from Metro Vancouver’s Greater Vancouver Water District originating at Coquitlam Lake located in the mountains to our north. This water is treated and transported through a maze of underground pipes crossing the Fraser River at two locations passing through the City of Port Coquitlam, Pitt Meadows, the Township of Langley and the City of Surrey eventually supplying the City of Langley.

The City of Langley's reservoir, located at 200A Street and 47A Avenue, is the size of a football field and contains 22,700,000 litres of water. The size of the reservoir is designed to serve the City for extended periods if there should be a major watermain break in the supply network.

The reservoir is equipped with an automatic shut off valve, which will close if a large earthquake takes place. This will retain the water that exists in the reservoir, which then will be available for domestic and firefighting use. It can serve a population of 55,000, retain extra storage and provide adequate firefighting requirements for several hours.

The City of Langley is divided into two pressure zones. These zones split in the area of 53 Avenue with the north half being supplied by gravity from the Clayton reservoir in Surrey at all times and the south being supplied directly from our reservoir. If there is an increase in demand or decrease in supply in the north half of the City (a watermain break or a fire), automatic control valves located along 53 Avenue will open allowing water from our reservoir to supply the north sector in the interim.

To ensure adequate pressures and circulation within the system, there are three 100 horsepower pumps each capable of supplying 105 litres per second with an additional standby pump available should the need arise. We also have a large standby diesel operated generator capable of operating the entire pump station and reservoir during a power outage. These pumps operate in stages as required starting with one then two then the third. They insure circulation of all stored water within a 3 to 4 day time frame. To insure our water remains at the highest standard for domestic use, it is tested weekly at 4 locations and elevations in the reservoir and 12 remote testing stations throughout the City.

Annual Water Quality Reports

The City of Langley distributes water for residents and businesses within the City limits. The Water Quality Annual report is provided to City Council and the public for their information, and in fulfillment of the City’s obligations under the Provincial Drinking Water Protection Act and associated regulations, as well as the terms and conditions of the City’s Water System Operating Permit. Enforcement of the regulations and issuance of water system permits is the responsibility of the Fraser Health Authority’s Drinking Water Officer. The City monitors drinking water quality regularly to ensure regulatory compliance. Moreover, the City checks a wide range of non‐regulated water quality parameters to ensure residents are provided with water that is both safe to drink and aesthetically pleasing. Results for both regulated and unregulated parameters are presented in an annual report.

2023 Annual Water Report

The City of Langley (City) is a distributor of water that is supplied and treated by Metro Vancouver from its Coquitlam Lake source. In 2023, the City supplied water to approximately 30,084 residents.

In accordance with the requirements of the BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation, the City sends weekly drinking water samples from 14 locations to Metro Vancouver’s testing laboratory in Burnaby for analysis. The City takes 51 samples per month, more than double the 26 samples stipulated in the regulation. Test results are communicated to the City and the Fraser Health Authority every week and documented in this annual report.

In 2023, the City met the following requirements for drinking water quality set in the BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation:

  • No samples tested positive for E. coli
  • No detectable total coliform bacteria per 100 ml.

The following Health Canada water quality objectives were met:

  • Turbidity was low in 2023, with average turbidity values below 1.0 NTU at all sample stations.
  • All measured metal concentrations were below the limits recommended by Health Canada and the USEPA.
  • The concentration of vinyl chloride was tested in 6 samples during 2023, all results were non-detectable (less than <1 µg/L), less than the Health Canada Guideline of 2 μg/L (0.002 mg/L).
  • Health Canada indicates that an acceptable pH range for drinking water is 6.5 - 8.5 pH units.  four samples were tested for pH in 2023, test results ranged of 7.7 to 7.9 pH Units.

The chlorine residual and water temperature objectives suggested by Health Canada were not met in the following instance:

  • 89 samples (at 6 sampling stations) had free chlorine residuals of less than 0.2 mg/L.  Sampling stations having low chlorine concentrations had no indication of microbiological impairment. This is an increase from 2022 when 49 samples (at 4 sampling stations) had free chlorine residuals of less than 0.2 mg/L. To improve the level of free chlorine, the City has been implementing the following ongoing programs: increased flushing and installation of auto-flushers; watermain looping, replacing aging AC water mains, eliminating water pipe redundancy where not needed, and increasing the rate of turn-over in the reservoir.
  • Health Canada sets an aesthetic objective of 15 degrees Celsius for drinking water. This objective was met for 9 of 12 months however the average monthly water temperature was between 15.6 and 18.0 degrees Celsius for the months of July, August, and September in 2023.

Click here to read the full 2023 Annual Water Quality Report.


Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) Cleaning

The PRV is typically a fist-sized, bell shaped valve with a bolt sticking out of the bell end. It’s typically near the household shut-off valve and water meter, and is part of the household plumbing. The building code requires PRV’s on homes to protect household plumbing from high pressures that may occur in the municipal system.

If water seems to "spurt" on all taps, the PRV's screen may need to be cleaned. Spurting is when there is good pressure for a few seconds, and then the pressure lowers and flow slows down. The screen protects the PRV and household plumbing from debris. Sometimes you'll have to clean the screen, and adjust the PRV.

Here are some instructions on cleaning and adjusting your PRV. If you do not feel confident in doing this work, contact a local plumber for assistance.


Step 1- Turn-off the shut-off valve.

Step 2 - Unscrew the plug closest to the incoming water supply.

Step 3 - Remove the screen and clean it with water.

Step 4 - Put the screen back.

Step 5 - Screw-in the plug (do not overtighten).

Step 6 - Turn-on the shut-off valve.

Water Conservation Tips

Despite all the rain we get each year, we still take water conservation seriously to ensure we have sufficient supply through summer and early fall. Reservoir storage capacity, environmental impact and climate change are some of the reasons. Find out where we use water at home, and some of the choices you can make every day to avoid wasting water.

  • Low flow toilets save 6L per flush.
  • Ultra low flow toilets save 14L per flush.
  • Checking for leaks can save 1400L/month.
  • Water displacement devices can save 12-100L of water per day, depending on the device (stainless steel inserts, toilet dams, save 100L/day).
  • Low flow showerheads save 8L/minute.
  • Shorter showers help conserve water.
  • Putting a stopper in the tub before starting the water saves 20L/bath.
  • Full washer loads and shorter cycles save 96L/load.
  • Turning the faucet off when it is not needed can save 10-40L/day.
  • Installing a flow restrictor or a faucet aerator can save up to 20L/day.
  • Checking for leaks can save 47L/day (2L/hour).
  • Full dishwasher loads on a shorter cycle saves 28L/load.
  • Dishwashing by hand and rinsing in a dish pan can save 32-60L per load.
  • Water your lawn only when it needs it. An hour of sprinkling uses 1300L of water and since no more than 2.5 cm can be absorbed, watering for longer is no benefit to your lawn. By changing from 3 hours of watering to 1 hour of watering, 2600L of water can be saved.
  • By watering only those things that grow water isn't wasted on the cement. With the correct positioning of your sprinkler 10-35L/minute are saved.
  • Choose drought tolerant plants, less water is required and savings can be 10-35Lminute.
  • A hose with the water running uses 23L/minute, by using a spring-loaded nozzle you can save up to 16L/minute.
  • Water in the cooler parts of the day, less water is lost to evaporation.
  • If you aerate, apply compost and weed your lawn, less water will be required.
  • Use a bucket of soapy water to wash your car, and use the hose only for rinsing. The hose uses 23L/minute whereas using a bucket can help you save at least two minutes worth of water (46L)
  • Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and sidewalks. A hose uses 23L/minute.
  • Use water toys and outdoor "kiddy" pools to cool off, instead of the sprinkler. A sprinkler uses 1300L/hour, so the savings can be astounding.