January 13, 2025 Regular Council Meeting Highlights


For City of Langley Regular Council meeting of  January 13, 2025.
Please note these are not the official minutes, but rather, highlights of items approved by Council and do not reflect all items considered by Council at the meeting.

Amend Previously Adopted Motion - Langley City Citizens' Assembly Testing and Activation Update Report - Addition of the Adoption of the Citizens' Assembly Terms of Reference
Council passed the following motion:
THAT the motion adopted at the December 9, 2024 Regular Council meeting be amended by:
1. Including the wording, “3. THAT Council endorses the proposed Terms of Reference for the Citizens’ Assembly.”, and 
2. Renumbering the remaining sections of the motion accordingly.

The amended motion now reads as follows:
“1. THAT the Report titled, “Langley City Citizens' Assembly Testing and Activation Update” be received for information.
2. THAT Staff be authorized to mobilize the Langley City Citizens' Assembly Solution Lab testing outcomes and resulting proposed solutions and actions for further research and deliberation and be brought back to Council for future consideration.
3. THAT Council endorses the proposed Terms of Reference for the Citizens’ Assembly.
4. THAT staff be authorized to proceed with the Citizens' Assembly mobilization plan, with a priority focus on Community Safety, Health and Well-being Pathways and Transformation activities.|
5. THAT subject to Council consideration and adoption, integrate the municipal Indigenous relations, reconciliation, and action framework elements into the Citizens' Assembly and other strategic initiatives that the City currently has underway (e.g., Resiliency Framework, Social, Cultural and Economic Development Framework, and KPI Dashboard-performance measurement system).
6. THAT the Citizens' Assembly resource plan be advanced for City capital and operating budget consideration.”

CO-84 - Tenant Relocation Policy - Implementation and Application Motion
Council passed the following motion:
“WHEREAS the City of Langley has a new, council endorsed Tenant Relocation Policy (Policy CO-84) that has not been applied to all new and in-stream development applications; and
WHEREAS it is imperative that council prioritize the vulnerable tenants within our community, and ensure timely implementation of our policies;|
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT council direct staff to continue to apply Tenant Relocation Policy CO-84 to all new development applications.”