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Business Licences

All businesses conducting operations in Langley City, whether located in our jurisdiction or not, are required to have a valid business licence before beginning business activities, according to municipal Business License Regulation Bylaw, 2013, No. 2916. This includes retail, commercial, and industrial operations, home-based businesses, owners of residential rental properties, and registered non-profit operations.

Learn more about conducting your business in Langley City

If you are new to the community, you will need to download and complete a Business Licence Application. If you are renewing your business license, you may pay online, by mail or in-person at Langley City Hall, Development Services & Economic Development, 2nd Floor, 20399 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC  V3A 4B3.

***Please note: the fillable application form must be downloaded to your device (click the icon ) and then open in Adobe Acrobat, fill it out and click 'submit'. Do not complete the form in your internet browser. ***

The steps for obtaining a business license are as follows:

  1. The applicant decides on the location of the project before making an application for a business licence.
  2. The applicant consults with the Development Services Department to determine if the zoning is appropriate.
  3. The applicant completes the "Business Licence Application" obtained at the Development Services Department office and submits a non-refundable fee with any relevant information required.
  4. The license Inspector refers the application to the other City Departments for review (such as Fire Dept, RCMP, and Health Dept). For information on fire safety inspection requirements for business licence applications, click here. 
  5. If the premise(s) requires alteration or improvement to meet City requirements, a building permit will is required, before approval of the Business License.
  6. If the application cannot be approved, the applicant will be informed.
  7. It is a condition that an occupancy permit be issued prior to the issuance of a business license for any new building.

After approval is received from all departments, the licence will be issued.

Home-based Business Restrictions

A home occupation shall satisfy all the following conditions:

  1. Must be conducted by a resident of the residential building in which they are permitted and shall not employ more than one person not resident therein;
  2. Shall meet all Provincial and Federal health and safety requirements and produce no public offence or nuisance, by noise, vibration, smoke, odour, dust, heat, glare, electrical interference or by any other means; and
  3. Shall not give any external indication of the existence of the occupation, other than a nameplate not exceeding 0.2 m2 [2.15 ft2] by displays, floodlighting, storage of materials, alteration of the appearance of buildings or by any other means.
  4. Child Care Centre is not permitted as a home occupation in Single Family Residential lots containing Secondary Suites.
Temporary Food Truck Business Licence

All food trucks must be operated by foodservice businesses that have a permanent location and current Business Licence in the City of Langley. Download the Temporary Food Truck Guide and Food Truck Business Licence Amendment Application form for required documentation.

Food Trucks are regulated by Temporary Food Truck Policy Number CO-77. All food trucks must adhere to all City Bylaws. 

Business Licence Amendment Requirements
• Minimum $5 million in commercial liability insurance, naming City of Langley as joint/additional insured and cross liability clause
• Motor vehicle insurance with minimum $2 million automobile liability
• Drivers license for all drivers
• Fire Department inspection and approval
• Good standing from Worksafe BC
• Fraser Health Authority approval to operate

Waste Management
• Must provide a refuse collection discharge management plan to the City for review and approval
• Each food truck is responsible for refuse, recyclables, food waste and cooking by-product collection and disposal
• Must keep the area within 30m of their location clean and free of refuse during operating hours and for 10 minutes after operations cease for the day

Utensils, Seating, and Signs
• All utensils shall be compostable, preferably wood-based
• Signboards & generators permitted adjacent to trucks, but NOT obstruct pedestrian or vehicles or present tripping hazards
• Not broadcast loud music/media. Live entertainment not permitted
• No covered areas, tables, chairs adjacent to food trucks

Hours of Operation
• Food trucks operating in City Parks must follow Park hours
• Food trucks operating on private properties permitted to operate up to 9:00pm daily

Food Truck Locations in City Parks
MAXIMUM of ONE truck in each parking lot
• City Park-West side parking lot
• Al Anderson Memorial Pool
• Linwood Park
• Brydon Park
• Sendall Gardens
• Portage Park
• Penzer Park – 2-parking lots
• Uplands Dog Off-leash Park

Operating on Private Property
• Permitted only on properties zoned for restaurant/food service use
• Property Owner must provide written approval
• Site Plan showing food truck location
• No covered areas, tables or chairs permitted adjacent to food trucks
• No parking spaces shall be occupied for more than 10 hours a day
• NOT permitted to locate within and around the Historic Downtown, bounded by 204th Street, Glover Road, 56 Avenue, 206 Street, Douglas Crescent and Park Avenue (see attached map)
• Food trucks are not permitted adjacent to Innes Plaza or Douglas Park
• Food trucks cannot locate closer than 200 metres from another food truck
• Food trucks are not permitted to locate within 100 metres of an existing restaurant/food service establishment that serves similar cuisine

Map: Food Trucks Not Permitted in Outlined/Shaded Area


Business Licences
Application process & requirements

Fire Department
Vehicle inspections

Planning Division
Location & regulations enquiries

Recreation, Culture and Community Services Department
Information & approval to operate in City parks

Engineering Department
Street Occupancy permits

Fraser Health Authority



2024 Licence Fees





Administrative Fee 





$ 286.00

Mobile Vendor




Food Primary (restaurants)



$ 349.00

Liquor Primary (bars, pubs, neighbourhood pubs)




Liquor Primary (cabarets, nightclubs)




Gaming Activities (casino)




Personal Health Enhancement Centers




Residential Rental Property (CFRRR Certified)



$  286.00

Residential Rental Property (CFRRR Uncertified)



$  867.00

Home Based Business



$  286.00

Newspaper distribution Vending Boxes

$226.00+ $35.00 per unit







Non-Profit Organization

No Charge

Government Services

No Charge

View printable 2024 Business Licence Fees.pdf

Note a business licence application administration fee of $60.00 is applicable to all applications.

If you are a mobile business such as a trades contractor or other professional (related to the construction industry) that provides a service or product other than from their premises, you are eligible to apply for an Inter-Municipal Business Licence (IMBL).

The cost of an IMBL is an additional $250.00 /year. 


Payment Options
  • City of Langley’s online Easy Pay
  • By mail or in-person at Langley City Hall
  • Langley City Hall
    Development Services & Economic Development
    Second Floor, 20399 Douglas Crescent
    Langley, BC  V3A 4B3

Please note: We do not process credit card payments over the phone. Using our Easy Pay system, you may pay your business license fees by credit card in person at City Hall or online

NOTE: All Business Licences are valid for the current calendar year, expiring at midnight on December 31 each year.  A 25% penalty will be added on January 1 to all unpaid business license fees.  If accounts remain unpaid after January 31, a further 25% penalty will be added to the business license fees.


BC One Stop Business Registry

Before you apply for a Business License, you will need to register your business with the Province of BC. BC OneStop Business Registry is a service by the Province of British Columbia, which provides information on starting a business, business name approvals, business registration, incorporations, and liquor licences.  Visit BC OneStop.

Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce (GLCC)

The Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce is the City of Langley’s main point of contact for business services and resources, such as business licensing, business registry, and more. Visit the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce.

Intermunicipal Business License (IMBL)

An Intermunicipal Business Licence (IMBL) allows mobile businesses to operate in more than one municipality by purchasing one licence, rather than by obtaining separate licences in each municipality in which they operate.  This provides significant cost savings as well as streamlines operations for applicants.

Eligibility is limited to mobile businesses, defined as trades contractors or other professionals (related to the construction industry) that perform maintenance and/or repair of land and buildings which have a fixed and permanent location in one of the participating municipalities, are eligible for the Intermunicipal Business License. 

Get your IMBL from your home community.

The cost of an Intermunicipal Business License for an existing business is $250.00.
For new applications, the fee is $250 plus $286.00 which includes a $60 administration fee.