Get Involved: Join a Board, Panel, or Committee as a Volunteer!


City Council is seeking individuals interested in volunteering to serve on one of the following advisory bodies. We are looking for people of all ages, backgrounds & life experiences, so please consider submitting your expression of interest today! Please visit to learn more and fill out a Committee Expression of Interest Form.

Board, Panel or Commmittee Positions Available
Environmental Sustainability Committee: Provide advice to City Council on environmental sustainability issues and trends while promoting environmental awareness, education, and best practices throughout the City of Langley.
  • one (1) Post-Secondary Institution student representative
  • one (1) Member representing Indigenous Peoples
Arts, Recreation, Culture and Heritage Committee: Share messaging about crime prevention and promote community connectedness through community engagement, educating residents & promotion of RCMP crime prevention programs.
  • one (1) Multi-Cultural Organization representatives
  • one (1) Heritage representative
  • one (1) Member representing Indigenous Peoples
Crime Prevention Committee: Share messaging about crime prevention and promotes community connectedness through community engagement.
  • two (2) Community Members at Large representatives
  • one (1) Social Services  Representative
Socio-Cultural and Economic Development Advisory Committee: Boost social, cultural, and economic growth, improve quality of life, and promote community health, inclusion, & sustainability.
  • one (1) Social & Cultural Diversity, Inclusion, Equity Perspective Representative

The volunteer appointments are for a one-year term beginning immediately.

How To Apply

  1. Fill out the form
  2. Email the form to or mail to: Paula Kusack, Deputy Corporate Officer – Langley City Hall, 20399 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC V3A 4B3
Application Deadline: Sunday, March 16, 2025