February 24, 2025 Regular Council Meeting Highlights


For City of Langley Regular  Council meeting of  February 24, 2025.
Please note these are not the official minutes, but rather, highlights of items approved by Council and do not reflect all items considered by Council at the meeting.

Resolutions to be submitted to the 2025 Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA) Conference

Council is submitting the following two resolutions for consideration of endorsement by the LMLGA at its 2025 conference. If endorsed by the membership of the LMLGA, the resolutions will be forwarded to the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) for consideration of endorsement at the 2025 UBCM convention. Resolutions endorsed by the UBCM are forwarded to the Province of BC for action:

Enhancing Housing Stability through Preventive Measures and Supportive Programs

WHEREAS the housing crisis in British Columbia is influenced by both insufficient housing supply and escalating demand pressures, leading to affordability challenges and housing insecurity that forces many individuals and families into unsafe and precarious living conditions, increasing their vulnerability to exploitation and victimization; and

WHEREAS preventive strategies, including the provision of adequate supports and access to portable rental subsidies, are essential to maintain housing stability and prevent homelessness;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia, in partnership with local governments and non-profit housing providers, expand programs to reduce housing vulnerability by expanding portable rental subsidies, enhancing support services, investing in preventive strategies, and providing direct grants to municipalities.

Enhancing A Collaborative, Sustainable, and Inclusive Approach to Food Security and Well-being 

WHEREAS food insecurity remains a critical issue in British Columbia, exacerbated by climate change, economic instability, and supply chain disruptions, disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations, Indigenous communities, and socioeconomically disadvantaged regions; and

WHEREAS a resilient and inclusive food system requires sustained investment, cross-sector collaboration, and policies that integrate infrastructure development, technological innovation, cultural food systems, and community-driven approaches to ensure equitable access to nutritious food, economic resilience, and regional food security;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia collaborate with municipalities to develop and implement a comprehensive food security and well-being strategy that ensures sustainable investment in local food systems, strengthens regional and provincial food networks, promotes innovation in agriculture and food technology, and enhances access to culturally appropriate, affordable, and nutritious food for all communities.