Rotary Centennial Park (20875 Fraser Highway)
Langley City has two new murals located at Rotary Centennial Park! Learn more about the project.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the City of Langley will hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers, Langley City Hall, 20399 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC at 7:00pm on Monday, September 25, 2023 to allow the public…
Accessibility Advisory Committee Members Needed
NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the City of Langley will hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers, Langley City Hall, 20399 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC at 7:00pm on Monday, September 11, 2023 to allow the public…
The City of Langley is thrilled to announce the much-anticipated return of the Choose to Move program, a collaborative initiative in partnership with the BC Recreation and Parks Association and the University of British Columbia…
The City is constructing additional pathways through our Uplands Dog Off-leash Park in conjunction with BC Hydro. The new route will give users a more direct way across the park, improve walkability during all weather conditions…
Langley City will be performing smoke testing of the sewer systems until approximately September 1st by introducing harmless, odourless, and non-toxic smoke into the sewers.
Langley City, BC – The City of Langley is pleased to announce eight new Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations and four replacements have been installed throughout the City. Six charging stations (four new and two replacements)…
Penzer Park
The Parks Division will remove the Black Diamond East run and the large C-can at Penzer Bike Park to decrease the extreme skill, low used track to a more versatile track for users to enjoy. Starting on Tuesday, August 8, the Bike…
The City has recently completed a new pathway through our Uplands Dog Off-leash Park in conjunction with BC Hydro. The new route will give users a more direct way across the park, improve walkability during all weather…