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Langley City invites new and emerging artists/instructors in the Lower Mainland to create two complementary art pieces for the Spring Street Banner Program to be shown in the downtown area of Langley City. The artwork can be…
The City is committed to the Nexus of Community Visioning Plan and the Downtown Master Plan, and has been proactively leveraging its assets to develop and strengthen the City’s identity in anticipation of the arrival of SkyTrain…
For City of Langley Regular Council meeting of November 6, 2023. Please note these are not the official minutes. Council Meeting Highlights are an informal summary.
City Council is seeking individuals who are interested in volunteering to serve on one of the following advisory bodies. We are looking for people of all ages, backgrounds & life experiences, so please consider submitting…
For City of Langley Regular Council meeting of October 30, 2023. Please note these are not the official minutes. Council Meeting Highlights are an informal summary.
South Zone, Langley City
City crews will be conducting water main flushing between October 15 to December 15, 2023. If flushing occurs in your area you may experience discoloured water. Run your taps until the water becomes clear. If you have any…
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Join Langley City for our 2023 Neighbourhood Meetings to learn about city initiatives, projects, services and programs!
Langley City Fire Rescue Service is celebrating Fire Prevention Week TM (FPW), October 8-14, 2023. This year’s FPW campaign is, “Cooking safety starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire prevention TM” The campaign works to educate…
The City of Langley's Arts, Recreation, Culture, and Heritage (ARCH) Committee and the Langley Arts Council are excited to debut their first Langley City Film Festival (LCFF), under the theme ‘Transitions’.
In summer 2023, the City invited artists to create street banners featuring captivating artwork. Kurtis Stevenson, a talented local art student, was among those selected.