At the start of the year, Langley City put out a call to all artists in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley area with expertise in visual public-art murals to create murals to further beautify Rotary Centennial Park (20875 Fraser Highway).
Two artists were chosen - Amanda Billey and Cassidy Luteijn. They created their works based on the project summary proposed by the Arts, Recreation, Culture and Heritage Committee's theme of flight and movement, recognizing the flight paths of birds and planes in the area, as well as movement from one place (country) to another, and transitions of people in the area.
You can find the two 152" wide by 94" art installations adjacent to the soccer field/ball diamonds, playground, and community gardens.
"Persevere" by Amanda Billey
(image shown: Amanda Billey unveils her new Mural, "Persevere" at Rotary Centennial Park.)
"My mural proposal reflects flight and movement, the flight paths of birds, movement from one place to another, and the transitions of people in the area by showcasing a family of birds flying towards a common goal of nourishment and sustainability.
Each bird represents a person. A son, daughter, mother, father, or whatever family unit someone may have, I hope they see themselves and their loved ones in these birds. The parental figures are protecting their young as they set their sights on a nearby flower. This flower almost looks like delicious food is waiting for them in the center. Families travel."
- Amanda Billey
"A Return to Love: To Become Light and Free" by Cassidy Luteijn
"This mural approaches the subject of flight in several ways using iconography to represent the theme in an abstract way. Flying represents a strong feeling of freedom and also represents the diverse and unique city of Langley. If you look closely you will find roads, planes and new city developments, while the targets symbolize a place to land and call home. The plants and natural elements will not only be accentuated by the green space of the park, but also the colours are vibrant and fun to appeal to visitors. The bird is a symbol of Picasso’s Dove to represent peace and harmony in a community. The outstretched hand is representative that those are only possible by offering support and a safe place to land for others. We are stronger as a community by lifting each other up."
- Cassidy Luteijn
(image shown: Cassidy Luteijn proudly smiles with her new Mural, "A Return to Love: To Become Light and Free" at Rotary Centennial Park.)
Langley City is dedicated to working with community art organizations and artists to enhance and create spaces for arts and culture to thrive by supporting organizations, individuals and events in our community. To learn more about our Arts, Culture and Heritage in the City, click here.