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February 12, 2024 Council Meeting Highlights


For City of Langley Regular Council meeting of February 12, 2024.
Please note these are not the official minutes, but rather, highlights of items approved by Council and do not reflect all items considered by Council at the meeting. Council Meeting agenda is available here: For more information, please contact or

Bylaw 3254 - Zoning Amendment No. 197 and Development Permit No. 06-23 and Approval of Development Permit Application No. 06-23

Council gave final reading to Bylaw 3254 which rezones the property located at 19948 55A Avenue from RS1 Single Family Residential Zone to CD91 Comprehensive Development Zone to accommodate a 6-storey, 126-unit apartment development. Council then approved Development Permit No. 06-23 for the subject property.

Crime Prevention Committee Recommendations - Bike Security

Council directed staff to review the possible use of the Douglas Recreation Centre for a volunteer Bike Valet service during the upcoming Earth Day Event on Saturday, April 20, 2024 or the 2024 Community Day Event.

Council also directed staff to review the installation of “Modern” bike racks at City Hall and report back to Council the details of location, cost, style and number of bike racks proposed.

Amendment to City Amenity Gift Program Policy CO – 62

Council approved amendments to the City Amenity Gift Program Policy CO – 62 to ensure that donated gifts to the City such as benches, trees or other types of furnishings are in conformity with the City's design standards and specifications and to limit significant or legacy donations to playground equipment, picnic shelters and outdoor fitness equipment.

Contract No. T2022-024, 56 Avenue and Park Avenue Utilities Replacements - Request for Additional Funds

Council passed the following motion:

1.THAT “Contract No. T2022-024, 56 Avenue and Park Avenue Utilities Replacements” be increased by an additional $898,500 (excluding GST) to address unforeseen circumstances encountered on 56 Avenue.

2.THAT the Director of Engineering, Parks and Environment be authorized to execute change orders up to the revised contract limit of $5,055,000 (excluding GST).

Proposed Resolutions to 2024 Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA) Conference

Council passed the following motion:

THAT the following resolutions be submitted to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA) for consideration of endorsement at the 2024 LMLGA Conference:

Medical Emergency Service Alarm Calls Cost Recovery

WHEREAS gaps within the BC Ambulance Service (BCAS) service delivery continue to be filled by local government fire departments, by way of their regular response to a high-volume of Medical Emergency Service Alarm (MESA) calls; resulting in significant direct costs to local governments.

AND WHEREAS to date the solution provided by the Province of BC recommends that concerned local governments stop responding to select MESA calls; thus, failing to rectify the gap in service internally or financial impacts externally, and simultaneously shifting the accountability for health decisions onto local governments:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM demand that the Province of BC immediately review their Resource Allocation Plan to implement an equitable cost recovery model to compensate local governments for responding to MESA calls.

Equitable Court Access 

WHEREAS gaps in service within the Provincial Courts continues to deny timely and equitable access to justice services for all British Columbians and will only be exacerbated by rapid population growth; thus, resulting in harms by prolonging closure for individuals awaiting court judgements, inefficient use of police time for travel, and greater challenges for those with limited access to public transit or transportation.

AND WHEREAS although recent investments made by the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General (JAG) have increased capacity at specific courthouses, the investments have not facilitated equitable access for all British Columbians or met service level requirements.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM direct the Province of BC to identify and address current gaps in service in the Provincial Courts; and further, release an updated Courthouse Capital Asset Management Plan (CAMP) which reflects new growth projections and future service level needs.

Expansion of Homeless Response & Shelter Support (Heart & Hearth)

WHEREAS the BC 2023 Homeless Point-in-Time count recorded the largest measured increase of individuals experiencing homelessness since 2005 (Metro Vancouver Regional District & Fraser Valley Regional District); with individuals experiencing homelessness for longer periods of time, and with more individuals in unsheltered environments due to insufficient permanent, temporary shelter or emergency beds throughout the regions;

AND WHEREAS the Provincial Government, having outlined the strategic plan “Belonging in BC: A collaborative plan to prevent and reduce homelessness”, has invested over 2 billion dollars since 2022 outlining commitments to “prioritized” communities, based on provincial qualifying assessments of municipal homeless encampment impacts, to address immediate supports & shelter needs in those selected municipalities.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM call on the Provincial Government to accelerate and expand its commitment beyond the qualifying limitations identified in “Belonging in BC” by including access for every community and expanding permanent, temporary shelters and associated program supports in all BC municipalities.

Bill 44, Bill 46, and Bill 47 – Financial Assistance for Local Government

WHEREAS Local Governments allocated the Building Community Funding to various community needs prior to the introduction of Bill 44, Bill 46, and Bill 47. The province has provided some limited funding support to assist local governments in implementing the housing initiatives.

And WHEREAS Local Governments have limited staffing, resources, and budget capacity to undertake the required updates to their Official Community Plans (OCP), updates their Engineering Servicing Plans (ESP) as well as review and analyze the impacts on all local government infrastructure with the implementation of Bill 44, Bill 46, and Bill 47 on communities.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM demand the Provincial Government to expand the scope and provide Local Government additional financial support for the hiring of additional staff and or consultants to complete the required updates to community OCP’s, ESP’s as well as to review the impacts on all community infrastructure, including but not limited to public amenities, recreation centres, hospitals, schools, first responders and aging infrastructure in order to comply with provincial mandates as stipulated in the legislation.