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Transportation 2045

With new growth and development, transportation systems and needs in Langley City are evolving. To best respond to the new and future transportation needs and trends, the City of Langley is updating its 2014 Master Transportation Plan (MTP).

Transportation is an important part of everyone’s daily lives, whether you walk, cycle, roll, drive, or transit. Transportation affects how we move throughout the city, how our community looks and feels, and how we interact with one another.

The project was launched in the fall of 2021 and started with a review of the existing transportation infrastructure and network gaps, and engagement with the community and stakeholders to understand your transportation priorities and current travel patterns. You can read the Summary of Engagement from Round 1 and 2 below. Based on what we heard from the community, a draft project vision, goals and objectives have been developed.

Master Transportation Planning Process
Understanding the Current Context - Community Survey #1

The first round of engagement has been summarized. Read Round 1 Engagement Summary Report here!


Community Survey #2

The second round of engagement has been completed. Read the Round 2 Engagement Summary Report here!

Open House - July 11, 2024

Langley City will be hosting another round of engagement to update our Transportation plan. This will take place over the next month and will include a survey which will be launched on July 2 and will remain open until July 31. In addition, there will be an open house on July 11. Whether you walk, cycle, roll, drive, or use public transit, your input is important as transportation affects our daily routines, the look and feel of our community, and how we interact with each other.

Open House:
Thursday, July 11, 2024
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm 
Timms Community Centre, 20399 Douglas Crescent

Survey - Launching July 2, 2024

Share your input on the future of transportation in Langley City! We are updating our Transportation Plan and would like to hear from you, regardless of whether you walk, cycle, drive, or use public transit. Please take a moment to complete our brief survey, beginning on July 2, 2024.